AIA West Jersey Membership Meeting & Inaugural Event: 1.5 HSW|LU
Join us on January 19th 6:00PM for our AIA West Jersey Membership Meeting & Inaugural Event. Our WJ Board [...]
AIA WJ CANstruction – Vote for Your Favorite Themes
We are heading into the new year, which means planning for the West Jersey CANstruction event is underway and we [...]
AIA WJ – ARE Trivia Night [Postponed
We apologize but, AIA WJ Trivia Night has been Postponed to a Date To Be Determined.
AIA WJ 2020 Photography Competition – Voting ends soon!
Help us vote for the AIA WJ 2020 Photography Competition winners! Pick your favorite out of 25 photographs. Public [...]
2020 AIA WJ Annual Meeting / NJ’s Clean Energy Program CEU Presentation
Click Here to Regester ANNUAL MEETING: 6:00PM Be sure to join this year's annual meeting is coming up on 11/19. Nominations [...]
MEETING RECAP: Spaceships on the Grass: Outdoor Design for the COVID Generation
Thanks to all who attended our 10/20 General Membership Meeting! For those [...]
Spaceships on the Grass: Outdoor Design for the COVID Generation
Photo courtesy of Unilock Join us in our free general membership meeting on October 20th at 6:00PM. There [...]
09/30/20: AIA WJ General Membership Meeting (Virtual)
In the face of the coronavirus crisis, designers are stepping up in new ways [...]
ARE Study Materials – Available Now!
Trying to pass the ARE before the end of the year? Studying for the ARE during quarantine? Did you know [...]