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Be sure to join this year’s annual meeting is coming up on 11/19. Nominations can be made for our 2021 AIA West Jersey Board of Directors positions. So if you are interested in running for a position please contact your 2020 AIA West Jersey President Troy W. Harris, AIA for additional information. The agenda will include a Financial Report and a Report on the State of the Chapter as well as the election of Board Members (see nominees below) and discussion and voting on proposed bylaws revisions. There will also be a how-to for voting in the Zoom platform.
CEU PRESENTATION: “New Jersey’s Support for Clean Energy through Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy”
The NJ clean energy program will speak on the 2020 New Jersey State Energy Master Plan (EMP) goal of 100% Clean Energy by 2050 and the implementation of its seven strategies to reach that goal. This will include potent impacts to analysis and design for commercial, industrial, and residential buildings within New Jersey. Specific examples will show how increasing building utility through high energy efficiency, renewable energy, and distributed generation technologies can impact occupant and community wellbeing.
- President-Elect – No Nominee
- Treasurer – Mike Rosado, Assoc. AIA
- Secretary – Randy Hartzell, Assoc. AIA
- EPiC Section Director – Justin Adamczyk-DeLarge, Assoc. AIA
2021 AIA West Jersey Board of Directors Positions Held by previously elected terms:
- President – William Andes, AIA (Current President-Elect position)
- Immediate Past President – Troy W. Harris, AIA (Current President position)