Join us in our last eventof the year! The Annual Meeting followed by our W.E.L.L. Presentation will take place on November 16th at 6:00 PM (1.0 LU/HSW). We will be kicking off the Zoom meeting with the election of the 2022 Board Members. So if anyone is interested or knows someone who may want to get involved, please let us know (president@aiawestjersey.org)!
“GETTING TO KNOW WELL” will be presented by Giselle Ulmo, ASID / WELL AP / WELL Faculty / Healthy Material Advocate. She is co-chair of the Health, Wellness + Sustainability Committee of ASID, NY Metro, and one of the founders of Alliance for Healthy Design.org. Giselle developed her interior design practice Giselle Ulmo Design, from her love of creating spaces that are inspiring and personal to her clients. Hope to see you there!
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