It is time to get to work.
AIA West Jersey is seeking members to join our Board of Directors in 2019.
AIA West Jersey serves as your voice in state issues affecting the architectural profession. As a volunteer organization, the Officers and Trustees on the Board of Directors serve one or two year terms, ideally continuing on in other capacities and culminating as President. The continuity of the Board allows the Board members to learn from their predecessors, making the transition easier and allowing for an efficient operation of the Chapter.
Serving on the AIA West Jersey Executive Committee is a great avenue for professional development. Nowhere else in our profession will you get the opportunity to affect how architecture is practiced in New Jersey. You will also become part of the AIA New Jersey [AIANJ] representation as AIA works on a national scale for the betterment of our profession. It may seem humbling to have this opportunity; however, your voice is exactly what is needed, regardless of your professional status. Board members ideally will include a full range of member voices; principals of larger firms, project managers, single practitioners, and emerging professionals. All that is required is a desire to improve the architectural profession.
AIA West Jersey Board of Directors is composed of the following positions:
AIANJ EPiC Section Director (pending By-Laws change)
Immediate Past President
Three (3) appointed Trustees.
With the exception of the office of President and Immediate Past President, all positions are eligible to receive nominations from the general membership for service the following year.
In 2019, AIA West Jersey is specifically seeking interest in the Treasurer, EPiC Section Director and Trustee positions.
2019 Position Descriptions:
Treasurer: Minimum One year term. Responsibilities: attend monthly executive board meetings, exercise general supervision of the financial affairs and keep the records and books of account of this Chapter; prepare the budgets, collect amounts due this Chapter, and give receipts for and have the custody of its funds and monies and make all disbursements of funds; have custody of its securities and of its instruments and papers involving finances and financial commitments; conduct the correspondence relating to the office.
Secretary: One year term. Responsibilities: attend monthly executive board meetings and keep minutes of the proceedings, coordinate with AIA NJ for AIAWJ event publication notice, update membership roster & coordinate with AIA NJ, assist the president and president elect with newsletters & email blasts, and publish relevant AIA information on AIA West Jersey social media outlets.
EPiC Section Director [Emerging Professionals Community]: One year term. Responsibilities: attend monthly executive board meetings, serve as the conduit between AIA NJ EPiC and AIA West Jersey through a monthly teleconference and assist the executive board with developing & planning Emerging Professional events (social, networking, educational).
Trustee: One year term. Responsibilities: attend monthly executive board meetings or teleconferences and assist the executive board with developing & planning general membership meeting topics.
President-elect: One year term. Responsibilities: attend monthly executive board meetings, perform all the duties of the President in the event of the absence of the President or of the President’s disability, refusal, or failure to act. The nominee for President-Elect shall have served at least one (1) year as an Executive Officer of the Chapter within no more than two (2) years prior to nomination.
We encourage you to become involved and help shape your local AIA Component – no previous board experience is required, with the exception of the President-elect.
Interested candidates should email a brief statement of interest (500 words maximum) to Mark Barone, AIA at or mail a written statement of interest to P.O. Box 4015, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034.
Please reach out if you have any questions about getting more involved with AIA West Jersey. We look forward to hearing from you!