cansAIA has been in summer mode but events will be picking up again soon!

AIA-West Jersey would like to organize a group to enter the annual CANstruction event to be held in October 2015. Entry deadline is September 8th, 2015.

For those not familiar with the event, it benefits the Community Food Bank of New Jersey.  Teams design and build structures made from canned foods that fit within a 10’x10’x8’ high space.  This year’s theme is “Forms of Communication”.  Additional information is available via the link below:

CANstruction 2015

The sculptures will be displayed in the Livingston Mall, Livingston NJ for approximately two weeks.  It is a great opportunity to get architects and architecture in the public eye.

Please email Mark Barone, AIA at by September 3, 2015, if you are interested in being part of this opportunity and charitable event.