William J. Cohen - 2011 AIA West Jersey President
Dear Fellow AIA West Jersey Members:
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as President of the American Institute of Architects, West Jersey Section for 2011. It is hard to believe that the year has come and gone so fast.
When I joined the Executive Board five years ago, I was determined to get involved and make a difference. Despite the downturn in the global economy, our Chapter continues to grow, generate new membership and creative ideas. Our strongest growth has been experienced in our young associates division, now known as the Committee of Emerging Professionals in Architecture (CEPA). Under the leadership of Bob O’Reilly, Jim Del Grosso and Jason Lutz, we have assembled over 40 young and emerging professionals within our jurisdiction. We have provided study aids for the for the A.R.E. exams, mentoring opportunities, assisted with IDP requirements, and created a forum in which CEPA and our members can interact. Our young professionals are the future of our organization and we must continue to support their needs and efforts. Our profession depends upon them.
Over the past 12 months, we have worked hard to re-tool our Section in order to meet the needs of our changing profession. I am proud of the efforts that our Executive Board.