ARE Trivia Night Series -Moved to December 6th-

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Come join AIA West Jersey / EPiC for our ARE Trivia night series.

For the duration of the event there will be countless opportunities to network and study at the same time. These fun study sessions will be held in person with the option to join virtually. This event qualifies for 2LUs. The topic of this session will be on the Practice Management and Project Management sections of the ARE 5.0 Exams.

We will be offering one free drink and appetizers with each registration.  
Sign up soon and test your knowledge on the ARE Exam! Hope to see you there.


DATE/TIME:Wendsday, December 6 @ 7-9:30 PM
LOCATION:Blue Monkey Tavern 2 South Center Street Merchantville, New Jersey 08109
CEUs: 2LUs
COST: $5 for AIA Associate Members
$10 for AIA Members, Emeritus & Allieds
$20 for Non-Members & Guests
(All prices include food and drink!)

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