AIA West Jersey 2025 Committees, descriptions, and minimum requirements.

Minimum requirements of ALL committees (in addition to items listed below):

  • Meetings may be held virtually or in-person as deemed appropriate by the chair
    • AIA WJ does not provide virtual conference platforms
  • Committee must hold quarterly meetings at a minimum but can meet as often as deemed necessary by the committee chair
  • Chair to upload committee reports prior to monthly board meetings (see report template). If no committee meeting has taken place during that month the report shall cover items the committee is currently working on, any input / discussion needed by the board, and the date / time of the committee’s next meeting.

Allied Membership Committee

AIA WJ Past President
William Andes, AIA
Committee charge: Recruitment of potential Allied members; Allied member engagement and retainment.
Committee meetings: Quarterly
Committee members: All Allied members

Bylaws & Policies Committee

(aligns with AIA NJ Policies and Bylaws committee)

AIA WJ Past President
Bill Andes
Committee charge: Track proposed bylaws revisions and executive policies each year; present proposed revisions at Annual Meeting for membership vote; complete documents for Component Accreditation during applicable years.
Committee meetings: Quarterly
Committee members: William Andes, AIA

CANstruction Committee

Any AIA WJ Member
Jessica O’Donnell
Committee charge: Spearhead the CANstruction event to benefit the Foodbank of South Jersey; develop the Call for Entries and Rules & Regulations manuals; identify and coordinate with a venue; bring on event sponsors; organize team participation.
Committee meetings: Quarterly, then monthly or biweekly closer to event
Committee members:  Mike Rosado, + 2

Communications Committee

(aligns with AIA NJ Communications committee)

AIA WJ Secretary
Committee charge: Perform regular maintenance and updates to the membership list and corresponding email list from Mail Chimp, which is used for the distribution of the e-newsletter on a quarterly basis and email blasts to the members; add new / transfer / reinstated member to Mailchimp as notified by PSI; email ‘new members’ a ‘welcome to AIA West Jersey’ intro email with upcoming event details and helpful links; develop communication templates and protocols for social media platforms; develop content for social media.
Committee meetings: Monthly
Committee members: Bill Andes, Mike Rosado, + 1

EPiC Committee

(aligns with AIA NJ EPiC committee)

AIA WJ EPiC Section Director
Michael Rosada, Assoc. AIA
Committee charge: Act as AIA WJ liaison to the AIA NJ EPiC Committee and attend those monthly meetings; plan and host at least one EPiC event in the AIA West Jersey Section per quarter.
Committee meetings: Bi-monthly or more frequently as decided by Chair
Committee members: TBD

Financial Audit Committee

AIA WJ President
Committee charge: Review component finances on an annual basis.
Committee meetings: Annual, audit complete by October 31st per bylaws
Committee members:

Finance & Budget Committee

(aligns with AIA NJ Budget & Finance committee)

AIA WJ Treasurer
Chad Conley , Assoc. AIA
Committee charge: Recommendations on dues increases; APAC allotment; request funding requirements from AIA WJ Committees throughout the year; develop budget for upcoming year. See also: Financial Audit Committee.
Committee meetings: Quarterly, with more frequent meetings in July/August to develop budget for upcoming year
Committee members: Bill Andes, + 1

Grassroots Committee

AIA WJ President
Committee charge: Implement lessons learned at Grassroots – distribute information and programs to local membership; promote speakers and topics up to AIA NJ and AIA National for future Grassroots Conferences; recruitment of new board or committee members to attend Grassroots.
Committee meetings: Quarterly, meeting more frequently around Grassroots
Committee members: TBD

 Programs & Events Committee

(aligns with AIA NJ Programs & Events committee)

Any AIA WJ Member
Committee charge: Assist with the development of membership meetings including but not limited to the submission of CEU information for AIA National approval (to be submitted min. 45 days prior to event); venue selections; coordination with Communications Committee for event advertisement; reporting of event attendees on the AIA CEU platform; distribution of Certificate of Completion for attendees and develop an automated / auto-filled process.
Committee meetings: Monthly
Committee members: (should include current AIA WJ President, President Elect, and EPiC Section director)

Service Awards & Scholarships Committee

Any AIA WJ Member
Committee charge: Align AIA WJ awards with AIA NJ awards program; nominate and evaluate candidates; select winners; present awards at Annual Meeting.
Committee meetings: Quarterly
Committee members: Jessica O’Donnell, + 2

Strategic Planning Committee

(aligns with AIA NJ Strategic Planning committee)

Any AIA WJ Member
Committee charge: Plan and coordinate future and long-term opportunities; how does AIA WJ remain current; how can we continue to improve; requirements for component accreditation.
Committee meetings: Monthly
Committee members: TBD

Sustainability & Resiliency Committee

(Aligns with AIA NJ COTE & Resiliency Committees)

Any AIA WJ Member
Committee charge: Identify interesting topics and code changes; interface with firms in our section that focus on Sustainability and have a specific interest; look for highly technical presentations/presenters that could build off more general presentations.
Committee meetings: Monthly
Committee members: TBD

 Women in Architecture Committee

(Aligns with AIA NJ Women in Architecture Committee)

Any AIA WJ Member
Committee charge: Serve as the AIA WJ liaison to the AIA NJ Women in Architecture Committee and the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion Committee and attend those meetings. EQFA: Equity in the Future of Architecture
Committee meetings: Quarterly
Committee members: TBD