September 26th, 6:00 PM
Are you an existing member or someone looking to join AIA? Join us for our Fall Kickoff Event that includes a networking happy hour followed by an overview of AIA National, AIA New Jersey and AIA West Jersey. Dinner Presentation Topic: ‘Does the Architect Share Responsibility for AHJ Field Changes’ Presented by Gary Chiumento, Eqs from Chiumento McNally Associates. More and more frequently Building Inspectors are requiring changes be made to the building which vary from the plans that were reviewed and approved by the Plan Reviewer. As the design professional, what options do we have to refute the changes and what is our responsibility for them? Some jurisdictions now require the Design Professional to attend monthly meetings with Code Enforcement after permits are issued. How does this change our responsibility and what is the impact on our liability? The program will be lead by Gary Chiumento Esq. who specializes in Construction Law Litigation.
NOTE: Dinner Presentation to begin between 7- 7:30pm. There will be a CASH BAR at this event (only accepts CASH)
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