Members from AIA-West Jersey joined leaders from AIA Chapters throughout the United States on March 4-6, 2015 in Washington, DC for the 41st annual AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference.  The annual conference provides leadership workshops, networking events and advocacy opportunities for attendees.  Face-to-face meetings with peers from across the country and direct conversations with our legislators are just some of the opportunities provided to boost advocacy for the profession and a better future for architects.


This year The American Institute of Architects focused the advocacy efforts on three topics:

1. Protect and enhance the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC), which provides federal funds for rehabilitating existing buildings and promotes the revitalization of historic cores of cities and towns.

2. The Safe Building Code Incentive Act, which encourages states to adopt the latest model building codes in order to qualify for additional post-disaster funding.

3. The National Design Services Act, which provides student debt relief in exchange for work in underserved communities.

For additional information on these topics please follow the link to access summaries issued by AIA-National.  AIA-National 2015 Advocacy Topics Summary

In addition to advocacy with our legislators, the conference promotes advocacy of our profession to the public.  Keynote speaker, Jonah Berger, of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, gave a compelling talk about tools for more effective communication strategies both in personal and business relations.  These tools are detailed in his new best-seller, “Contagious: Why Things Catch On”.  I encourage you to get more information at


Another hot topic this year was Emerging Professionals.  AIA-WJ President, Jason Lutz, AIA and AIA-WJ Vice President, Mark Barone, AIA had numerous conversations and meetings with several other AIA Component leaders, as well as, with members of the National Associates Committee about what types of programs and initiatives currently exist throughout the country for EPs.  After much discussion, it was decided that the section would work to help AIAWJ EPs fortify their early professional years with meaningful knowledge and supplemental experience by bringing a similar program to AIA West Jersey. Currently, Jason and Mark are working in collaboration with other EP Program Leaders throughout the country to develop a new and highly enhanced EP Certificate Program that AIA West Jersey is hoping to launch in late 2015.  Stay tuned for more details!

AIA-National Social Media Wrap-Up of the event can be found here: AIA-National Social Media Wrap-Up.